104 Cameo Canyon TX 79015

BY Tommy Stafford

Description:  The Brittney Special +/- 2168 floor plan has 2,168 square feet of living space in a 3/2/2 design. Conveniently located in Mayra Park, this home is listed at $390,604.

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Design Elements

Item Description
Shutter & Door

Price Sheet

The starting price for this home, not including the lot, was $272,500 and included Standard Features for this floor plan and the Upgrades shown in the worksheet below. If you don’t see what you want, then please Contact Us.

Description Unit Price No. Units Total Cost
Starting Price $272,500.00
Lot Price 81,000.00
Exterior Design
8/12 Pitch Roof2,400.0012,400.00
2020 Window (preconstruction only)250.003750.00
3008 Window (preconstruction only)250.001250.00
Upgraded Landscaping (3" trunk diameter trees, shrubs, edging, and mulch)1,000.0011,000.00
Patio Fireplace with Brick Wall3,500.0013,500.00
3 Car Garage11,000.00111,000.00
Superintendent Fee 3.0021686,504.00
Interior Design
Pan Ceiling1,200.0011,200.00
Fireplace in Living Room (rock to ceiling, face and sides)4,000.0014,000.00
Upgraded Hardware400.001400.00
Kitchen Package
Built in Single Oven with Microwave Above1,200.0011,200.00
Large Vent Hood Cabinet with Hidden Vent to Outside1,000.0011,000.00
Cabinets to Ceiling with Glass and LED Lights1,500.0011,500.00
Pull-Out Trash Can Cabinet in Island250.001250.00
Upgraded Kitchen Faucet150.001150.00
Bath Package
Free Standing Tub2,000.0012,000.00

Construction Disclaimer

Starting prices do not include lot price. Figures reflecting size, square footage and other dimensions are estimates; actual construction may vary. Size, square footage and price of a new home may vary based on bonus room and upgrades selected. Floor plans may vary according to elevation. Prices, plans, dimensions, features, specifications, materials and availability of homes or communities are subject to change without notice or obligation. Please contact us to verify current information. Photos are representative only. They may differ from completed improvements and may change without notice.

Changes in Plans and Specifications

Continuing a policy for constant improvements, N&B Homes reserves the right to make changes in the plans and specifications, and to substitute material of similar quality without notice or prior obligation. Packages on homes constructed prior to this document may have different features. Standard Features and Upgrades may change without notice.